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Private Schools Should Operate Under Trust Within Next 10Yrs, Education Commission

On December 5, the Nepali High-Level National Education Commission published the 502-page long report, which the Nepali Government has refused to make public for the last two years.

The Commission, led by Education Minister Giriraj Mani Pokharel, prepared the report recommending government to bring some key reforms in the education sector.

The Key Recommendations of the National Education Commission include:

  • Private schools should be operated under trust within the next ten years
  • No political appointments in universities
  • Prime minister and education minister should not assume the roles of chancellor and vice-chancellor in universities
  • All local units should have residential technical schools
  • The government should allocate 22% of the total annual budget to education

Nepal National Education Commission

Though the Commission submitted the report to Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli almost two years ago, the Nepali Government had somehow delayed making the report public. Many claim that the government refused to make the report public as education mafias and private schools have pressurized the government not to bring changes in the current policy.

“Even though education stakeholders requested the ministry and the PM, the report was hidden for two years. This shows the government’s real face. This incident proves education mafias guide the government, and the report was kept secret at the behest of private schools,” said Milan Pandey, an educational expert.

“Other than the interest of private schools, politicians, too, do not want the recommendations to be implemented. As the Commission has recommended that there should not be political appointments in universities, politicians fear that their cadres do not get quota. Such interests are ruining the education system of the country,” said a high-ranking official at the Education Ministry.

The National Education Commission released the report during a function organized on Friday at Durbar High School in Kathmandu.

Nepal Education

During the program, Commission Member Shyam Kumar Shrestha said that the government refused to make the report public despite several requests from the Commission.

“The government was not interested in making the report public, and so we had no other option,” he added.

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