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With 1.7% Active Cases, Nepal Reports Highest Recovery in South Asia!

As the global countries, including the US, Brazil, Russia, and the UK, continue to witness thousands of new COVID-19 cases daily, Nepal is set to become a coronavirus free country.

According to the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), Nepal on Sunday has reported only 1.7 percent active cases, the lowest among the South Asian countries in terms of the ratio of total recoveries to total infections.

In the past 24 hours, around 400 patients were recovered from the infection, taking the country’s total number of recoveries to 261,444. This accounts for 97.8% of the total infection cases (267,322). According to the MoHP, there are as many as 3,919 active cases in the country.

Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP)

As of today, the nation’s COVID-19 tally stands at 267,322, while the deaths reached 1,959. A total of 266 new infections and five fatalities were reported in the last 24 hours.

Among the eight countries in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Nepal reports the highest recovery rate while Bhutan reports the lowest.

SAARC Countries

Active Cases in SAARC Countries

  • Bhutan – 36%
  • Pakistan – 22%
  • Sri Lanka – 13.6%
  • Afghanistan – 11.7%
  • Bangladesh – 9%
  • Maldives – 5.7%
  • India – 2%
  • Nepal – 1.7%

Active COVID-19 Cases in South Asia

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