So far, Nepal has reported 444 coronavirus positive cases and two death cases. However, 45 patients were discharged after a successful recovery.
The global coronavirus cases have crossed a 5-million mark within 12 days from 4 million as the pandemic continues to devastate the world.
As of today, the global tally has reached 5,104,323 while the death toll climbed to 329,961. Currently, around 2,739,199 patients are undergoing treatment while 2,034,489 were recovered.
COVID-19 Paves Way for Mt.Everest Visibility
The coronavirus pandemic has led to the nationwide lockdown in Nepal with restrictions on public movement and ban on all commercial and industrial activities.

Image credit: Twitter/@AbhushanGautam
The exclusive blessing in disguise during the pandemic is the reduction in air pollution.
Also Read: Air Pollution Kills 7 Million Every Year!
The clear skies and clean air have made the Mt. Everest visible for the first time in decades from 124 miles away.
Abhushan Gautam captured a breath-taking image of the famous mountain from the Kathmandu Valley on May 10, 2020.
Earlier, the Nepali Government has canceled all 2020 Spring Mount Everest Expeditions due to the coronavirus threat.
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