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70% of PCR Tests in Kathmandu Metro Turns Out Positive!

Nepal is crossing grim milestones as the second wave continues to spread vigorously across the country, especially in metropolitan cities.

According to Hari Bahadur Kuwar, Chief of the Public Health Division of the metropolis, the Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has been recording a drastic number of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks.

As per the COVID-19 tests conducted by the Public Health Division of the metropolis in five different places in KMC until Saturday, 70 out of 100 tests came out positive for COVID-19. The Public Health Division has been conducting a PCR test for free and also providing transport service to take COVID-19 patients to hospitals.

Coronavirus Test Nepal

The Division is collecting swabs and conducting PCR tests for around 600 people daily. Of them, more than 420 people test positive for the infection.

As of Saturday, a total of 51,412 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in Kathmandu Metropolitan City. Of them, 10,801 people are still undergoing treatment. Moreover, the number of people succumbing to COVID-19 in the metropolis stands at 345.

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